What is it?
Shr3D is a hackable, open-source, multi-platform application for playing and practicing guitar and bass. At its core is a 3D note highway visualization system that helps you learn and play songs in real-time. The audio processing pipeline includes support for audio plugins like VST, along with built-in effects such as Neural Amp Modeler. Hook up your instrument and start shredding. This application is under active development. Expect some crashes, glitches, and your PC catching fire.
Song files
Load your existing .psarc song collection. There is also a converter called ShredRipper to generate song files in the native .shred format.
On the metal focused
Development is focused on getting the lowest latency, highest FPS (≥ 1000) by using native system APIs and no dependencies.
MIDI controller support
Foot pedals and other MIDI controller can be used to change effect chains while playing the instrument.
Audio visualizer
For some trippy backgrounds add MilkDrop files to it. A good start is this collection here.
OpenXR support
Play Shr3D fully immersed in VR or in passthrough mode. You can add your own 3D environments.
Effect chains
Shr3D can host VST/VST3 plugins. It will likely support CLAP and LV2 in the future. Set up effect chains as you would in a DAW.
Note detection
There are two solutions:
- Divided pickup + pitch detector from Q Audio DSP Library (used in videos)
- VST-Plugins like MIDI Guitar 2 / MIDI Bass
Built-in effect collection
These will make it possible to reproduce the guitar sound of a song without relying on expensive plugins. Right now it features effects from the Rakarrack project.
Skill issues
Is it any good?
All platforms except the Androids whip ass.
Why was it created?
I started playing guitar in 2021 and wanted to learn it on my own. I was not satisfied with the practicing tools available on Linux (I use Arch, btw). I wanted something more fun and got hooked on the idea of creating my personal augmented reality killer app - being able to play any song while seeing exactly where to put my fingers in real-time.
Is it the best way to get good at guitar?
No, but it is the most fun way to get good at guitar.
Where do I report bugs?
I'm aware of most bugs and I will eventually get around to fix them. There are a lots of things on my TODO list.
What is the license?
Shr3D is currently licensed under the GNU General Public License v3 (GPLv3) due to the inclusion of GPL-licensed components. While some components were written under the Unlicense (public domain), the presence of GPL code means the project as a whole must be distributed under GPL terms.
The source code is clearly marked:
- Files starting with an Unlicense identifier are public domain
- Other files fall under GPLv3
You can customize which features to include by modifying configuration.h
, which may affect which license terms apply
to your specific build.
A more detailed licensing breakdown will be provided as the project matures and if it gains more than one user.
How do I contribute?
While Shr3d is a personal project, I'm open to including cool improvements in these areas:
- 3D Models - Guitar models, effects pedals, and other assets for XR environments
- Audio Effects - Custom DSP effects like distortion, reverb, delay, etc.
- Visual Enhancements - Particle effects, shaders, post-processing
- Custom color themes and UI skins
The process is simple: Grab the source code, make something awesome, and show it to me. If I like what you've done, I'll include it in the project. Feel free to experiment and have fun with it!
What is the biggest challenge in developing Shr3D?
Low latency audio on all platforms. The worst contender is Android. You simply can't do real-time audio on it. The performance of the audio stack varies greatly between devices. None of my tested devices even come close to < 10 ms round trip using AAudio. The only working solution is to write a custom USB audio driver that bypasses the Android audio stack. Low latency audio is also not possible in the browser, but this is to be expected.
Why are there so few songs in the list?
There are not may guitar songs I can use without infringing someones copyright. I would love to build up a small collection of freely usable songs. If you would like to have your song listed here, please contact me on Matrix and we will make it happen. Preferably you should provide me with a song file and prove that you are the creator of the song.
Will Shr3D be available on the Apple Vision Pro?
Any general purpose computing platform should give you the freedom to compile and run the software you rightfully own. Apple restricts which software is allowed on their devices. You would have to port Shr3D yourself. Or simply use a device that you actually own.
I would like to DMCA it. How can I get in contact?
Sadly for you this is not possible. All DMCA Take-down Notices are simply ignored. This is a non-profit open source project. It does not compete against any commercial product. Copyright protects an expression of art, not the ideas behind it. Here is all the art.
Our legal department takes the opposite view, we even hold a patent on "Interactive guitar game".
Yeah? Well, you know, that's just like uh, your opinion, man. Software patents don't exist in the European Union. Don't waste my time and fuck off.
Where can I donate?
This website will never accept donations. If you paid for it you've been scammed.
What is ShredDB?
ShredDB offers a song library where the Shr3D community can share their creations with others. Files are stored in the InterPlanetary File System (IPFS). For more read the ShredDB FAQ.
My antivirus deletes it. Is it dangerous?
The Windows binary is compressed using UPX. It does not do anything malicious. Trust me bro. Your antivirus software sucks, get rid of it. Otherwise build it from source.
What's the shareware floppy SHR3D.COM download?
It is a Windows version with many features removed. I wanted Shr3D fit on a floppy disk for the lolz. I will improve it when I got time. There is no real reason to use it.
Load a single .shred or .psarc files:
Or through an IPFS CID:
Load directly into an arrangement:
Load a whole song collection:
Or through an IPFS CID:
It works by providing urls.txt, see rarecollection/. The files in cache are used for filling the song list without loading each song file.